Wednesday, January 03, 2007

First post of 2007

First of all, how the heck is it 2007 already? Does that seem weird to anyone else?

How the heck am I almost 29? HOW DID THAT HAPPEN? Not that I am freaking out about that, because seriously, what purpose does that serve? It just seems odd.

Anyway, it just wouldn't be an authentic, original JenneLou post without some bitching.

First though, I would like to say that working at a hotel is SO much better than working at Wal Mart, for so many reasons.

BUT, I am still astounded at the dumbassity of some people.


~The Lady who told me she needed a flat pillow because her son's head isn't heavy enough.

~The lady who asked me if we still had smoking rooms....after I asked her if she wanted smoking or non. DUH, would I have asked if we didn't?

~People who ask if the pool is heated. It is Winter in New York, what do YOU think?

~When I ask if you want to guarantee your reservation with a credit card, YES I need the number. My crystal ball is in the shop and I failed mind reading. Sorry.

There are more, but I can't think of them at the moment.

WAIT. Here is a big one.

~If your children want to use the swimming pool, YOU NEED TO BE WITH THEM. Do you see a lifeguard? Sheesh, what kind of parent are you, fucknut?


That ends your regularly scheduled rant.

In other news, no, I don't really have resolutions. I am going to try and lose some chub this year and stop procrastinating so damn much. I tried the gym thing this year, but almost passed out. Asthma is a pain in the ass. So, I am going to just try and make smarter choices. Blah blah blah, who cares, right?

I guess that is all I have right now. I wish my first post of the year was more interesting, but I am tired.

So more later, I guess.
posted by Jenne Lou at 1/03/2007 12:23:00 AM


Happy New Year!! :o)

7:57 PM  

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