Sunday, July 24, 2005

Tengo un head-achay!


Why do I have a headache? Hmm....a few possibilities. My allergies have been acting up, AND I have spent far too much time on the computer today!!

There must be a lot of junk in the air because my asthma has been acting up a little bit too. I haven't had to use my inhaler in quite a while and I have had to use it a few times lately! At least I haven't had my windows open. At my apartment in Saranac Lake, my computer screen was green with pollen, and it wasn't even near the window! I know, the air conditioner could potentially be irritating things too, but that is a risk I am willing to take!

I hate snow and LOVE summer, but I hate feeling nasty all the time and not being able to sleep at night.

Oh...and if you are ever near a Dunkin Donuts, get a coffee cake mufin! They are AWESOME! All you diet people, don't tell me about the fat content, blah blah blah. I never said they were good for you, but they taste damn good, and sometimes that is more important. Besides, I don't eat them everyday!

posted by Jenne Lou at 7/24/2005 01:34:00 AM


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