Sunday, January 29, 2006

We need a muzzle (or six) in aisle 12 please!

I went grocery shopping today, because well, a girl's gotta eat.

And I realized AGAIN that I don't know if I will ever be able to handle having children. Lately it seems like every time I go out in public it is Poster Child for Birth Control Day. Seriously. This happens far to frequently. When were children replaced with SPAWN? I was not warned about this and I did not receive the memo.

I swear that I can feel my reproductive organs tying themselves up in knots pretty much everytime I go ouyt in public.

Take today, for example. There were several small children screeching repeatedly for no apparent reason. Screeching. High pitched, loud, and just to make noise. They did not appear to be upset, just obnoxious. Since they were small, I blame the moron parents. Seriously, do they actually think that this is cute? Does giving birth make your IQ plummet? What the hell?

Then there was the pre teen and teenage spawn. Ugh. I would expand on that statement, but I am just trying to forget it.

I think I will have dogs.
posted by Jenne Lou at 1/29/2006 03:22:00 PM


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