Saturday, December 31, 2005


So, I am reading disgruntledhuman.com, about how customers suck, (and believe me, a LOT of them do...) and this part made me laugh out loud:

4. On the subject of worthless parents, I also don't appreciate your inability to discipline your kids while you are shopping. The woman with her new sober for two hours boyfriend and the three kids that aren't his come down my aisle and when the kids are bad they say "be good or this man will yell at you." Yeah sure, "Hey there milkman Jr., and you pizza delivery boy Jr., and you paper delivery boy Jr... settle down before your mom miscarries UPS guy Jr."

and Amy will appreciate this one...

10. Ladies, what's up with the giant purses? First problem is you become a shoplifting suspect as soon as you walk in the door; you could sneak Mexicans over the border with that thing. If you spin around too fast you could kill someone. The bigger problem is when you get to the checkout and it's time to pay and you lug that big bastard onto the counter and start rooting through it like Carrot Top in one of his shows looking for the wallet.

Ha Ha Ha...this guy is my hero...

16. Once again we are bending over for the customers and getting flack for it. We put these um, cripple carts in our lobby's to help out customers that can't walk and then when the senior version of Mario Andretti gets in there he is hot rodding all over the store almost crippling other customers. Then there are the extremely large people that can't walk on their own so they get in the cart. Trouble is they are rated for only so high a weight, so it is going extremely slow and you swear you see smoke pouring out the back and Jumbo is bitching at you because the cart is going too slow.

I am entirely amused, and please remember, I did not write these, I only wish I did. They are from disgruntledhuman.com
posted by Jenne Lou at 12/31/2005 12:50:00 AM


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