Monday, November 06, 2006

Stealing Kisses

Yeah, I know....long time no post. AGAIN. At least I am consistent!

I love this new Faith Hill song/video.....

posted by Jenne Lou at 11/06/2006 10:29:00 PM


Shit girl, that song smacks me in the face!

10:42 PM  

This song does NOT offend AT ALL!! I'm adding it to my MP3 player!!

Have you seen the Carrie Underwood video "Before He Cheats", I LOVE IT!!

11:21 PM  

I love it too.....BUT I would never do it that to a truck like that.

Maybe a Mini Cooper. Or a Scion.

But I would never date a man who drove one of those, and I don't want to get arrested, so.....

11:37 PM  

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