Friday, October 06, 2006

A non-video post

I know. I have been a SLACKER blog-wise lately.

My classes have been keeping me VERY busy. Ugh. I can't wait until I am DONE with this shit.

BUT I do have something I want to rant about. Surprised? = )

OK, so I read an article the other day that really pissed me off.

Apparently some dumbass with too much time on her hands is trying to get the Harry Potter books banned.

Here is the article: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15127464/

(I know.....but the effin link is not working! I am not sure why, whatever.

But here is the gist of it:

Laura Mallory, a mother of four, told a hearing officer for the Gwinnett County Board of Education on Tuesday that the popular fiction series is an "evil" attempt to indoctrinate children in the Wicca religion.

Board of Education attorney Victoria Sweeny said that if schools were to remove all books containing reference to witches, they would have to ban "Macbeth" and "Cinderella."
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"There's a mountain of evidence for keeping Harry Potter," she said, adding that the books don't support any particular religion but present instead universal themes of friendship and overcoming adversity.

OK, you know what? If this lady doesn't want HER children reading the books, fine. But who the hell is she to say that they should be banned? Am I the only one who finds this to be completely ridiculous?

And, for those of you who have never read the books, I have never seen any mention of Wicca, and I have never read anything that would make me think that I could start doing spells and shit. It is not a friggin instruction manual! It is fantasy.

AND if it gets kids reading, how is that bad? With the amount of horrible spelling and grammar that I see all over the internet, BY ADULTS, I don't see a problem here. I definitely believe that reading helps kids immensely in the areas of spelling and grammar. We all make mistakes, but OH EM GEE some of the atrocious spelling and grammar errors I see are mind boggling.

Hooked on Phonics people, look into it.

OK, so I got off track. I guess my point is, be responsible for your own children. When it comes to mine? (Hypothetically, because I don't have any.) MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS.

That is all.
posted by Jenne Lou at 10/06/2006 02:27:00 PM


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