Friday, August 12, 2005

Rants. By JenneLou.

Yeah, I am going to bitch. Deal with it.

The following things have been pissing me off:

1. The increasing cattle-like tendencies I have seen recently. GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY! I have things to do and an appointment on Tuesday! I am not talking about old people, come on, I may be a bitch, but I am not totally heartless! I am talking mainly about people that see you coming and still don't get out of the way. I don't know what it is lately, but it seems like people are moving at a snail's pace.

2. So far, I really do like my job. MOST of the people have been pretty cool. However, I don't understand why people seem to think I can help six people at once. I said I will be right with you, and I will. I can not be in two places at once, AND I am still trying to figure out where everything goes in a store the size of a small country! It is very similar to people who would call the hotel, and when I asked them to hold for a moment, they would say "I'm calling long distance!" Well, so is the guy that called before you, jackass. The longer you argue with me, the longer it will be till I can help you. Yes, I understand that I tend to be bitchy, but seriously, when I am at work, I go out of my way to help people whenever possible. A lot of my co-workers will just tell people where things are. I prefer to actually TAKE them to where they need to go. Just today, I helped two ladies, and as I was talking to them, they told me my coworkers blew them off. That annoys me. It took me 5 minutes to help them, not a big deal!

It also bugs me when I speak to a manager about a customer oriented issue, and they can't STFU about their plans for the weekend long enough for me to ask them a simple question. They probably don't care because they know that they won't get bitched at if customers are kept waiting, I will. Sometimes I wonder how some of these people got their jobs.

3. Which brings me to people who can't even say Hi to someone. Jim used to say that he wondered who raised some of these people. When someone says Hello, would it kill you to be friendly? It seems like the beasts are usually the worst. You know the ones...they look like maybe their Mom knew their Dad a little too well. They think they are the shit, but they are actually a f'in loser. You are NOT better than me. There are a lot worse things in life than working retail. I am going to keep a list, and when I have my education and get a job, I am going to sick an audit on all these dumb shits. REMEMBER ME? Don't even try to kiss my ass now. Man, that would be sweet. Everybody hates getting audited. I guess I don't really need to do that though. Karma is a big enough bitch.

4. I am going to make that idiot from Citizen's Bank (there is a branch in the store) sit in a small room with an intercom hooked up. Then I am going to scream in his ears all day. He won't be alone. The lady from the jewelry counter can join him. And a couple of other people that don't realize that the microphone is not a snack and that you don't have to inhale it to speak into it. CALM DOWN, I'M BLEEDING FROM THE EARS HERE, PACINO!

5. I really don't understand why people can't even be away from their cell phones while they are shopping. Give me a break! I see people all the time talking on the damn things. I usually leave mine in the car. If I need to make a call, I do that and THEN go in the store. The world will not end if you are away from your phone for a half hour.

6. Jared, er General Anthony Boscarelli pisses me off too. He doesn't post enough blogs for my reading entertainment AND he hasn't come to the big city of Plattsburgh to hang out with me yet! Now if only I could learn how to type in a Mrs. levenstein voice...I am getting verklempt over the fact that that is just not possible. Talk amongst yourselves, I will give you a topic. The Italian Neo Realist Movement in film was neither Italian nor neo nor particuarly a movement. Discuss!

All you people who are reading this should really share your comments, for my entertainment, of course. Try it. You don't have to sign up or anything, so DO IT. Or someday you just may be audited! ;)
posted by Jenne Lou at 8/12/2005 08:52:00 PM



I think you missed your calling. You should be a comedian. I laugh so hard when I read these.


11:33 AM  

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