Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Back to school!

Classes started yesterday; I can't believe the summer is basically over already! I am not looking forward to the snow! Or walking to class when it is -30. That should be interesting!

Everything has been pretty good so far. The classes I am taking are:

Economic Statistics
United States Civilization
Introduction to Information and Technology
Calculus for the Life, Managemnet and Social Sciences
Principles of Managemnet
Career Assessment and Planning

The only one I am really concerned about is Calculus. I took the prerequisite back in 97 or 98, so I am thinking that maybe they should have put me in precalculus. If I remember correctly, I really struggled with that class the first time! Then again, I took Accounting 1 again last year, and did much better, so maybe I will be fine.

Maybe I should just buy "Calculus for Dummies"! Yes, that is a real book! Those "Dummies" books are so cool! I guess they even have "TI-84 for Dummies" which goes with the $130.00 calculator I had to buy for that class!

I don't really have anything else exciting going on. Just work and school! Story of my life, but I know it will all pay off!

I can't end this without ranting about something! What is up with people riding their damn bikes on the sidewalk? It is really annoying, especially when they come up behind you and/or they come flying by so fast that you have to jump out of their way. I think maybe a big stick in the spokes would teach them a lesson. Now, where can I find a big stick??
posted by Jenne Lou at 8/30/2005 08:20:00 PM


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