Friday, February 10, 2006


OK.....I admit it. I like to bitch sometimes. But, to my credit it is better to bitch and get it all out there than to just let it all build up and then go fucking crazy on the idots of this world. So, here are some things that have been annoying me or pissing me off.

Women with 38 longs / Grapefruits in sweatsocks. (How's that for a nice image? Seriously, if you have to lift your massive boobs up so that they don't get caught in your belt PLEASE invest in a good bra. Ugh. Just Ugh. Put those puppies where they belong!!

I guess this goes along with my belief that some people should have to have full length mirrors right by their doors so that they have to actually see how fugly they look before they venture out into public. Sure, I suppose that that wouldn't stop them, but if it would help even a few of them it would be worth it! The lady with the spongebob pants on could use one. (I have nothing against spongebob pants....as long as they are worn in the PRIVACY OF ONES HOME! Duh.)

Another big peeve of mine is bad grammar. You know, like aint.

The two that are bugging me the most lately are:

"I seen" as in "I seen you the other day". AUGH!!! It is "I saw you". Dumbass.

"Them are" as in "Them are nice". Some lady kept saying that one night. I wanted to run up to her and ask her how the hell she survived as long as she had. Surely natural selection should have taken care of her a long time ago. OK, I am not that bitchy. I don't want her dead, but COME ON!

I am going to stop now. I actually had a pretty good day, and I don't want to ruin it by thinking of all the things that piss me off!
posted by Jenne Lou at 2/10/2006 10:18:00 PM


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