Saturday, September 03, 2005

"Walking after Midnight"

"Did you know rat poison has an expiry date? When happens when it expires? Does it become delicious?" - Gregg Rogell

Ha Ha Ha! I have no idea who that guy is….but I thought it was pretty funny!

Some random thoughts:

Gas prices suck! Duh, I guess. I have a ½ a tank still from before the prices got really high…and I am trying really hard to make it last!!

As I have stated before, certain things are really annoying, like people blasting their shitty music. The other day I was walking home and someone was blasting Patsy Cline? How cool is that? It is not very often that you hear “Walking After Midnight” from a car sitting in traffic! I just thought that was cool.

On a related note….I DID NOT think it was cool that some idiot in Lake Clear felt the need to blast their shitty music. I was at my parents’ house, and some idiot had their music at a totally unreasonable level. When you live in an area like that, have some respect a$$hole! I am perfectly capable of turning on music if I want to hear some! Yes, they were ruining my Adirondack experience! (Actually, to be honest, that annoyed me in Saranac Lake, and it would annoy me in Plattsburgh too.) Totally unnecessary.

Another thing I don’t get. 20-something guys on skateboards! Uh, chumdilly? Not the quality four wheels I am looking for! LAME!

So, for what is new in the exciting life of Jenne Lou…not a whole lot!

Calculus was stressing me out! It was like the teacher was speaking in a foreign language! Not good to be freaking out the first week of classes! So, I went and talked to her, and she basically said that if I was that confused in the first week, that I was obviously in the wrong class! (They did my schedule for me…I did not pick the classes. I guess so you would be guaranteed a spot in classes that you would need.)

Work has been kind of annoying….I am remembering why I got out of retail! Thursday, I was on register for most of my shift. Huge $300-400 orders. Why, you ask? Because it was the 1st of the month and the welfaeries were out in droves. Must be nice to be able to spend that kind of money on groceries. That really pisses me off. I can even get TAP for school!!!!!!!! I better not get started on THAT subject!

Apparently, it was also “Poster Children for Birth Control Day”. I could feel my reproductive organs shutting down, or tying themselves in knots! Where do these spawn come from? This girl who had to be 7 or 8 kept screeching. Of course, they had to carts so they were there a LONG time! Then the kids running in circles….that’s good parenting when there are people EVERYWHERE. People need a license to have a dog, but any idiot can have children.

I realize that it is the parents fault, but OMG kids annoy the shit out of me! At 27, shouldn’t I be feeling some kind of maternal instinct shit kicking in?

I was probably also a bit on the grumpy side because I was on that damn register from 2:30 – 7:00. At 5:00, I asked for a break so I could go to the bathroom. I asked again. Finally at 7:00, I just closed. I was daring them to say something. Luckily they didn’t. Idiots. It was especially annoying that all of the regular cashiers were getting their breaks, etc. I can not wait to be done with this nonsense! I will never have to work retail again!!!! (Hopefully!)

I saw an awesome sign the other day. “It is nice to be important, it is more important to be nice. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone talking on a cellphone.” Awesome. They should have one in every store. NO ONE THINKS YOU ARE COOL BECAUSE YOU HAVE A CELL PHONE!!!!! Lots of people have them, you are not special.

There was this lady in my lane who was literally gnawing on her fingernails. I still have that habit sometimes, especially when I am stressed out or nervous. I realized how it looks though, and I am definitely going to try and break that habit!!

When I moved to Plattsburgh, I never bothered to hook up my cable, mainly because I was unemployed. One of my friends has asked a few times if I am going to get it. I don’t think I will because I really don’t miss it! I listen to the radio a lot and I have been trying to read more. I will also have plenty of schoolwork!! The only thing I will miss is CSI NY. That is one of my favorite shows. Gary Sinise is awesome. I guess I will have to ask nicely if someone could tape it for me! I guess I could always try rabbit ears though…..

So, I have been thinking about what I am going to do when I am done with college. I still don’t really know, but I do not think that I am going to work in a typical CPA/Accountant type job. I think I might try some other aspect, one where I won’t have to deal with the idiots of the general population quite so much. Ugh. I guess I am just not a people person. That’s not entirely true though, either. I really like the people that I work with…those in my department anyway! I guess I am just rambling incoherently.

Besides this entry is long enough. Sorry if it is totally disorganized and random!
posted by Jenne Lou at 9/03/2005 09:26:00 AM


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