Thursday, March 23, 2006

Miss Jenny's Grammar Lesson of the day...and then some.

(Today's lesson has been brought to you by the letters X and Z and by the color Red.)

People, people, people,

Here is your lesson for today...

or·gan·ism (ôrg-nzm)

An individual form of life, such as a plant, an animal, a bacterium, a protist, or a fungus; a body made up of organs, organelles, or other parts that work together to carry on the various processes of life.

or·gasm (ôrgzm)

1. The peak of sexual excitement, characterized by strong feelings of pleasure and by a series of involuntary contractions of the muscles of the genitals, usually accompanied by the ejaculation of semen by the male. Also called climax.

Got it? It makes me head hurt that some people are so fucking stupid! I have seen more than one person say "orgasm" when they mean "organism". How do these idiots survive?

OK....Now that we got that out of the way, here are some more things that I find highly annoying:

People who can't spell. I know I have said it before, but it really pisses me off. It is one womAn, two or more womEn. That U/Ur nonsense makes you look like a fucktard, knock it off! And don't get me started on "puter". Or "addy". I SAID DON'T GET ME STARTED!

I also don't like it when people write the date 03/22/6. It is 06! Blehhhhhhhhhhhhhh. (that word will not be understood by many. Just throwing that out there to see if someone is paying attention.) Blehhhh.

Can anyone tell me why anyone would want to customize a Dodge Neon? a NEON. Baffles me....really, it does. Those cars are such a pile of shit and yet I see them constantly with all this fancy shit added on. Hello? It's still a NEON. I have unfortunately had the displeasure of riding in one of those death traps, and I swear I could bend the door with my bare hands. What are those cars made out of....aluminum foil? Jenny's Big Ass Car Crushing Service will probably get a lot of business from them so I guess I shouldn't complain. Don't get me started on the Scion. I cannot imagine that people actually spend money on those heaps.

I would also like to know where all the brain damage is coming from. Unfortunately, it has been cold lately....because, well, because it is barely spring. I am ready for warm weather...have been for months now. But I think there is an epidemic of brain damage in this area. What is UP with people wearing shorts and/or FLIP FLOPS? Yes, I saw one idiot in both today. HELLO? I am wearing layers of clothes and I am still freezing.

I will close by commenting on something that should be common sense:

When you go to the grocery store you need to leave some space between your stuff and the customer in front of you. Cashiers are not mind readers. If your stuff is thisclose to the person in front of you, do not get pissy when the cashier keeps going. This should be common sense, but it obviously is not. And would it kill you to be NICE for 30 seconds? and turn off your damn phone. It doesn't make you look important.

I have ranted, raved, and rambled long enough. I am a spaz.

Comment anyway. Because you love me. : )

You know you do.

Do not follow me, for I may not lead.
Do not lead me, for I may not follow.
Go over there somewhere.
posted by Jenne Lou at 3/23/2006 12:32:00 AM


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