Monday, September 12, 2005

This really pissed me off.

I was reading Glamour magazine today, and I read this in their letters section:

"I'm appalled to learn that some women now think abortion is unneccessary because contraception is readily available. What about women working minimum-wage jobs with bare bones insurance? Or no insurance? I couldn't afford the co-pay on birth control pills, and when I got pregnant I had an abortion since I couldn't afford to raise a child. I couldn't have even afforded prenatal care so that I could plan for an adoption. Sometimes I regret my decision, but I will never take for granted my right to make my own choice." -Sandra Utsch, Williamsport, PA

This is from the October 2005 issue, page 44, in response to a previous article about young women's views on abortions.

Does anyone else see what a complete and total dumbass this woman is? HELLO! If you can't afford birth control, don't have sex! This makes me so mad! Look into your options! I have never been to Planned Parenthood, but as far as I know, they offer low cost or no cost birth control. Not to mention that if you AND your boyfriend can't afford to buy condoms, maybe you shouldn't be having sex. Ugh. This makes me so mad.

This is not to say that I am a strict pro-lifer. I don't really think that abortions should be outlawed. In cases of rape, incest, etc, I can understand it. I personally do not believe in them, but I have a friend who has had one, and I don't think any less of her. It was her choice to make, and I would never hold that against her, it is just not right for me. I don't think I could live with myself. There are some exceptions.....for example if the baby has no chance of survival and my health or life is in jeopardy. That is a different situation.

What pisses me off is people who use abortion as birth control. The woman who wrote that letter is an idiot. She is lucky she didn't end up with complications! Then what would she have done? Abortions are not 100% safe!

Don't get me started on the "minimum wage jobs" rant!
posted by Jenne Lou at 9/12/2005 10:31:00 PM


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