Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Today has been annoying. Well, my job has been annoying. I told them when I was hired that I did not want to be a cashier. They told me that I would have to run register on occasion, when it gets really busy, which I have absolutely no problem with.

However, lately, it seems I am up there all the time!! Then they forget about me! The cashiers all get their breaks, etc. It is like pulling teeth for me to even go to the bathroom! Then I get accused of not going up at all. Luckily, the idiot asst. manager who said that (about both my coworker and me) got shit from a bunch of people. Then they get pissed because the department looks like a bomb hit. HELLO! I haven't figured out how to be in two places at once!!!

My department manager is very cool. I couldn't ask for anyone better. The asst. manager in charge of our department is cool (and a bit of a hottie!! ; D ) but the place is starting to drive me crazy.

If this continues, I am going to look for something else. I am not going to be stressed out about this stupidness when I have more important issues....like school!!!!

I get to sleep in tomorrow............SWEET.

end rant.
posted by Jenne Lou at 9/06/2005 04:07:00 PM


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