Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Random Nothingness

So instead of stirring shit up on other people's blogs and being told to Shhhhh, I figured I better write something. (Sorry about that, but don't fucking sush me. Hate. That. That will so not be allowed in my house, when I have one. Someday.) Hate. IT. It is very irksome.

I know I talk alot. Love me anyway. Because I said so, AND you know you want to.

I have been suffering from severe bloggers block. I hate that! But I thought I would just throw some random shizz out there:

1. I HATE that song "Bad Day", I know, I know. I have said it before, but why the heck hasn't that song gone away yet?

2. Why is it that when you wear dark colored nail polish YOU CAN"T GET IT ALL OFF? Seriously, my nails look like shiz right now. Guess I need to use another semi-dark color. It's a vicious cycle, I tell ya!

3. What is up with people bringing small children to Wal Mart late at night? I went there at 11:30 last night and saw kids under the age of 5! WTF? The reason I go there so late is to decrease my chances of encountering the poster children for birth control. I have to say though, that the kids I saw last night were well behaved. That is a miracle in that place.

4. Oh, and there were way too many teenagers there too. They wouldn't be so bad if they weren't the dumb ones.

5. I have dealt with a lot of dumb people in general lately. My latest biggest annoyances? People who call the hotel and ask for a quiet room. HELLO? It is a HOTEL. I understand that sometimes your neighbors in a hotel may be obnoxious, but do you really think they call up and tell us ahead of time that they will be obnoxious? Isn't the whole point of staying in a hotel to sleep? It is just a dumb question. I even had one dumbass ask me four times during one phone call if the rooms were quiet! And then he asked if the rooms were clean. No, dude, the place is a dump. Even if it was (which it is definitely NOT) do you think I would be allowed to tell you that? DUH. Then he asked me which was nicer...the hotel I work at or the one next door. HELLO?

I guess that is all I have for now. Sorry if this post sucked too.

Random grammar lesson of the day: "Prolly" is not a word.
posted by Jenne Lou at 7/12/2006 08:47:00 PM


Toughen up, chick. People just like to see DD and me verbally slay each other. Without interruptions, I presume.

It's all good.


9:28 PM  

And "prolly" IS a word.

I use that shit all the time.

9:30 PM  

I was just trying to be funny. Guess it didn't work.

Besides, we all know DD likes all the attention.

I really don't give a shit, and seriously, if you had a problem, I somehow think you wouldn't be afraid to say it.

And you are allowed to use prolly. It just pisses me off when I see it on something that is supposed to be serious. Wish I could remember what context I saw it in......

9:36 PM  

I, too, am a user of the "prolly". I might try to slip one into the technical manuals I write. Try and stop me.

And I do NOT like all the attention!

I like 84% of it.

Let's see those monsters, JL! C'mon!

10:04 PM  

Who shooshed you??? That anonymous pudd-whacker on Laurie's blog?

I'll have to scan through her eighty million comments to find out. That wasn't very nice.

Yeah and I wouldn't sweat the "prolly". I use it, too.

Oh, and I'm guilty of calling my boss 'dude'. He was like "Did you just call me 'dude'?" and I said "I'm afraid I did" Not a fine moment.

11:15 PM  

I was really trying to be funny about the shushing....Laurie is right, I was interrupting them, but DD started it.

And Dude, I call everybody Dude, dude.


(even girls!)

11:51 PM  

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