Saturday, January 27, 2007

Apparently blogger sucks now

Because everyone is moving to wordpress.

I don't really have anything interesting to post, I just wanted to post something to see if I could figure out what sucks about it so much.......
posted by Jenne Lou at 1/27/2007 08:09:00 PM 3 comments

Monday, January 22, 2007

THIS IRKS ME....am I the only one?

One lady is a womAn.

Two ladies are womEn.

I take a breath.

I breathE air.

I don't breath air.

A minor thing, really, I know.

But it irks me.

A couple hours later edit....

I also hate it when people say "I'm prego". HUH? You are pasta sauce? Or do you mean PREGNANT?

AND it bugs me when a man and woman say "We are pregnant". Um, No. She is pregnant, HE is not. If he is, you might want to tell the science dudes.
posted by Jenne Lou at 1/22/2007 10:28:00 PM 1 comments

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Mexico es muy bien


posted by Jenne Lou at 1/21/2007 03:04:00 PM 0 comments

I guess I am easily amused

I am afraid I am going to be walking around singing...."So many losers gone, no longer here.....for me to...."

Just watch it!
posted by Jenne Lou at 1/21/2007 02:48:00 PM 1 comments

Friday, January 19, 2007

This post is kinda random and all over the place...

Rosie O'Donnell....

needs to shut the fuck up.

I admit...I used to watch her talk show all the time. I started watching the View because of her (and because Star Jones was gone...I REALLY can't stand Star Jones.)

But now, I categorize her with Barbra Streisand. Constantly running off at the mouth. SHUT UP ALREADY.

She was bitching about American Idol and how mean they are. Now, I agree that there is no point in making fun of the way someone's eyes look....the kid can't change that. But she just goes on and on and on about it...saying that it isn't entertainment.

Um, I don't think that her terrible singing is entertainment!

Her voice in general bugs me now.

But Joy Behar is pretty damn funny.

Other celebrities that annoy the shit out of me:

Eva Longoria
Teri Hatcher (she looks like a praying mantis or something)
Justin Timberlake...am I the only one that doesn't find him attractive?
Brandon Davis....I don't know if he is actually a celebrity, but WTF is up with that guy?

OKAY, moving on....

Classes start on Monday. I am so not ready, this break went by way too fast. But I guess it always does.

I want a laptop. SO BAD. So far I have been pretty good at talking myself out of one, but I still want one. I guess I don't really need one....there isn't anything wrong with my desktop. But I want one.

Work has been pretty good. But when did people get so DUMB? When you call there, the automated thingy (gee, I am so eloquent) says "Thank you for calling the Plattsburgh "name of hotel", blah blah blah, press 0 for Front Desk.

So, I answer the phone....and these fucknuts say "Is this "name of hotel"? In Plattsburgh? That irks the shit out of me....WORK ON YOUR LISTENING SKILLS.

And when I ask for your first name, after you already told me your last name, I want your FIRST name, not your last name repeated. LISTEN.

When I ask for your last name at check in, I want....YOUR LAST NAME....not your confirmation number. LISTEN.

Yes I need to see your credit card number at check in, yes, it has to have your name on it, DUH.

When you call to make a reservation, and I ask if you want to guarantee the reservation with a credit card, I do need the number, DUH. How else do you expect me to get it?

The extreme stupidity of people makes my head hurt.


I guess that is enough bitching for right now....
posted by Jenne Lou at 1/19/2007 11:07:00 AM 3 comments

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

More conversations with a dumbass

So, I was at work yesterday and this woman called to make a reservation.

It was like pulling teeth to get the information from her...which it doesn't have to be...and shouldn't be.

The best part though was when I got done with the reservation.

Dumbass: "OMG, that is Groundhog Day!!!! Is the Groundhog there?"

Me: "Huh?" (While thinking WTF?)

Dumbass: "You know, the groundhog...he sees his shadow.....do I have to worry about that?"

Me: "uhhhhhhhhhhh" (WHAT THE FUCK?) "Ma'am, the groundhog is in Pennsylvania...nowhere near here....."

Dumbass: "Oh, well that is a relief!"

posted by Jenne Lou at 1/09/2007 09:12:00 PM 2 comments

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Don't think about it too long or your head may explode.....

Ok,that line is from Lewis Black, the "If it wasn't for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that year in college" bit.


here is the actual quote:

Behind me, I heard a young woman of 25 say, "If it weren’t for my horse, I wouldn’t have spent that year in college." Now, I'm gonna repeat that, because it bears repeating. "If it weren't for my horse..." as in, giddyup, giddyup, let's go — "I wouldn't have spent that year in college," which is a degree-granting institution. Don't think about that too long, or BLOOD will shoot out your NOSE!

You know what I am applying it to?


What a RIP OFF.

I just found my receipt from last semester.....

History: $68.95
Accounting: $149.35
Spanish: $127.60
Income Tax: $97.50
Statistics: $147.70

That adds up to $591.10. Guess how much they offered me at the buy back?

TEN freaking dollars.



Oh, and I did not take the $10 dollars because that book is used for Income Tax II and I know they are using the same book. Sell it back for $10 so they can sell it for $80? I don't fucking think so.


I have to stop thinking about this now.....
posted by Jenne Lou at 1/03/2007 02:40:00 PM 2 comments

First post of 2007

First of all, how the heck is it 2007 already? Does that seem weird to anyone else?

How the heck am I almost 29? HOW DID THAT HAPPEN? Not that I am freaking out about that, because seriously, what purpose does that serve? It just seems odd.

Anyway, it just wouldn't be an authentic, original JenneLou post without some bitching.

First though, I would like to say that working at a hotel is SO much better than working at Wal Mart, for so many reasons.

BUT, I am still astounded at the dumbassity of some people.


~The Lady who told me she needed a flat pillow because her son's head isn't heavy enough.

~The lady who asked me if we still had smoking rooms....after I asked her if she wanted smoking or non. DUH, would I have asked if we didn't?

~People who ask if the pool is heated. It is Winter in New York, what do YOU think?

~When I ask if you want to guarantee your reservation with a credit card, YES I need the number. My crystal ball is in the shop and I failed mind reading. Sorry.

There are more, but I can't think of them at the moment.

WAIT. Here is a big one.

~If your children want to use the swimming pool, YOU NEED TO BE WITH THEM. Do you see a lifeguard? Sheesh, what kind of parent are you, fucknut?


That ends your regularly scheduled rant.

In other news, no, I don't really have resolutions. I am going to try and lose some chub this year and stop procrastinating so damn much. I tried the gym thing this year, but almost passed out. Asthma is a pain in the ass. So, I am going to just try and make smarter choices. Blah blah blah, who cares, right?

I guess that is all I have right now. I wish my first post of the year was more interesting, but I am tired.

So more later, I guess.
posted by Jenne Lou at 1/03/2007 12:23:00 AM 1 comments