Friday, February 09, 2007

Get a Life


You know what I am REALLY sick of?

Whiny crybabies.

Boo hoo, you posted something on your blog that offends me, boo hoo, I don't like that tv show, or that movie, etc etc.

Don't like it?


Maybe I DO like it, that is my right. I am so sick of these whiny babies who expect everyone else to adapt to their sensitive inner child. Give me a break. Your inner child needs a good ass kicking.

You know what, there are television shows I don't like, so I CHANGE THE CHANNEL AND WATCH SOMETHING ELSE! I don't get all upset about it.

If I read a blog that offends me, I don't go back there!

I don't expect that person to start writing things that please me!


I will stop now. I am rambling, I get it.

Don't like it?

Bite me.

Thank you, drive through.
posted by Jenne Lou at 2/09/2007 11:18:00 AM 4 comments

Saturday, February 03, 2007

I'm still here...

But kind of annoyed with the blogger log-in process.

WHY couldn't they have just left it ALONE?

Anyway, not much new.

Did anyone watch the trainwreck that was "The Megan Mullaly Show"? OMG, it sucked. I wanted to like it, because I thought she was hilarious on Will and Grace. I also thought she did a great job on the "Reba Giants" show. But her show? ANNOYING. Her laugh was grating, and the whole show was just not good. She seemed to be too sweet or something. I don't know.

So, anyway, her show got cancelled. The other day I had the tv on, more for background noise than anything because I wasn't sitting in front of it. well, her show is gone, and in its place is "Judge Maria Lopez". WTF? Do we really need ANOTHER judge show? They couldn't find something better than that? I will shamefully admit that I do occasionally watch Judge Judy because she is so damn mean to dumbasses, and I also like the People's court. But beyond that there is Judge Joe Brown, and some other chick that is on all the time. AND I DON'T EVEN HAVE CABLE.

It's stupid.

Speaking of stupid, I had only been at work maybe two hours before I had the two stupid questions asked.

Is it a quiet room?


Are the rooms clean?

Do I really need to explain why these questions are stupid??

Not to mention the fact that I went over and over and over this already with the clean rooms lady when she called the other night. Her friend told her that she was rude to ask that and I wanted to say that Stupid was the word that came to mind for me. I am sure that I have mentioned this before, but I guess it just surprises me that so many people ask this!

Okay, this was not one of my better posts......
posted by Jenne Lou at 2/03/2007 07:02:00 PM 2 comments