Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I did nothing today.

Really, I didn't do much of anything constructive. I had NO motivation whatsoever.

What is up with that? I guess I am allowed days like that though. I haven't even left my apartment.

I found some George Carlin quotes that I thought were quite funny:

TRUE FACT: Purina now has a cat food made especially for cats who live indoors. "Indoor cat food for indoor cats." Meanwhile, I'm sure that you're aware that some human beings have no food at all.

You know what would be fun? To have a set of twins, name them Dumbo and Goofy and then just sit back and watch their personalities develop. I'll bet they'd really enjoy going to school everyday.

So, I am not really sure what the point of that was, but hey, I told ya I was lazy today. Guess I am just not feeling too creative, but at least I posted something. Staying home all day really doesn't give one very many interesting options.

posted by Jenne Lou at 6/27/2006 09:12:00 PM 3 comments

Sunday, June 25, 2006

I am back!!!!

Hello everyone, and sorry for my extreme slackitude. My sister got married yesterday, so that has kept me busy AND I haven't been at my own apartment much lately, and well I guess I haven't been feeling too creative.

That was an extremely long sentence. Whatever.

Anyway, yesterday was a great day. We couldn't have asked for better weather, and it was just fun. Today? Not so much. I remember now why I don't drink much anymore. But dancing on the table was fun! We went to the bar after, and some people from the wedding showed up, so that was good. I only made it until about 11:30 before I suddenly realized that I was not going to be able to remain upright much longer. Then I woke up with a very bad headache, BUT I laughed my ass off at the videos I took on my cellphone.

In other news, going back to the hotel has worked out pretty well, as has staying with my aunt and uncle. (I hope they feel the same way!) I was afraid that at 28, it would be hard to live with someone again, but I already know that I will miss them like crazy when the summer is over.

OK, I am not sure how coherent I am sounding, so I will sign off now. I was going to post a pic, but apparently Blogger is PMSing or something because it is very temperamental tonight.


EDIT: Never mind. I got it to work. Obviously. Please excuse the weird white line on the left. I had to crop out a very handsome young man in his tux because I have this thing about kids pics on the internet. You can never be too careful!
posted by Jenne Lou at 6/25/2006 10:57:00 PM 3 comments

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


This makes me miss Nintendo! I used to play Super Mario Brothers for HOURS. If I wasn't afraid that I would become addicted again, I would see if it is still at my parents house!

I haven't posted much because there isn't much new or exciting. I am home right now, but have to get up early tomorrow morning to leave here by 6:30 or so to be at work by 8. Not sure when I will be back since we are going to Syracuse on Saturday and I have to work Sunday night. I need that following weekend off for my sister's wedding, so I will probably have to make a trip home sometime after work next week.

So far my summer situation has been going pretty well. I would like it if the hotel was a little busier, but it will be soon enough.

I guess that is all for now....
posted by Jenne Lou at 6/13/2006 08:49:00 PM 6 comments