Wednesday, May 31, 2006

6 weird things about Jenne Lou

OK, I have been tagged, by Laurie at Beauty and the Beer and somehow, I am afraid that I am so not worthy.

Anyone that knows me would probably say "Only 6???", but I have been trying to think of 6 weird things and not be totally boring about it.

Anyway, here goes....

1. I am in love with Gary Sinise. Seriously. LOVE HIM. He wears a suit and drives a big ass Avalanche on CSI NY, gotta love that (plus he's a police officer....giddyup), and he plays a mean bass....in his band....called the Lt. Dan Band. Love to watch him in movies too. Just love him. Don't you dare talk smack.

2. I have a purse and watch fetish. Seriously. My aunt told me tonight that she thinks I have more watches than I do shoes. She would be right. Partly because most cute shoes have big ass heels on them. At 5'11, I am already taller than most men. That is not to say that I don't wear them anyway. But purses and watches? I have tons....and always look for more. Unfortunately, I don't have much dinero for such things right now. Actually, now that I think about it, it is not just purses but bags in general. Cheap ones too. I don't care. If it's cute, I like it.

3. I like ketchup, salsa, tomato sauce, tomato soup, and I love V8 juice. But I hate fresh tomatoes. And I have an unhealthy love for sour cream. I put these together, because hey, I don't cheat. Along the same lines, I am very picky. I don't like many vegetables, and I don't like much seafood. I am a freak when it comes to lettuce. I only like the romaine that comes in those Caesar kits. Otherwise, iceberg. None of that dark green shit. I also do not like coconut. Or Cocoa Puffs. Not cuckoo for them.

4. I am the opposite of Laurie in that I do not like decorating Christmas Trees. i consider it a big pain in the ass. I love hanging out at my parents house and looking at a Christmas Tree....that someone else decorated. I also hate taking them down. Guess I will probably have to get over that some day. (I don't mind the little ones so much.)

5. I am a car snob. I like Chevy pick up trucks, TrailBlazers, and some of their cars, and of course, the Equinox. (Jonx!) if the gas prices weren't so insane, i would seriously consider buying one. I HATE those little hatchbacks (Festivas, Metros, Civics). I thought that the Honda Element was the ugliest vehicle ever...then along came the Scion. What a boxy piece of shit. Since I have rage issues sometimes, a friend suggested that I go work for a car crusher. Bad idea. It would be too hard to resist crushing the ugly hunks listed above. There are more that I hate, but you get my drift.

6. I am also a name snob. I don't get why people name their innocent children such incredibly stupid names. I won't give examples for fear I might offend someone. I get very upset when I read the birth announcements. My friend used to leave the room when I would read them.

Damn. That was long. Once I get going you can't shut me up......

I am not going to tag anyone because I don't know too many people with blogs. But hey, if you have 6 weird things about yourself and no blog, post them here. See how generous I am?

posted by Jenne Lou at 5/31/2006 10:09:00 PM 6 comments

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Stop with the shitty music already!

It seems that every time a song bugs the shit out of me it comes on constantly.


The two that fall under this category recently are

-"Temperature" by Sean Paul


-"Bad Day" by Daniel Powter

Now to be honest, the latter probably wasn't so bad until someone decided that it needed to be played over and over and over and over and over.

Damn song has given me a bad day.

And "temperature"? Words can not describe how much that song annoys me.

Previous songs that have annoyed me to tears:

-"Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy" by Big and Rich

-Pretty much anything by the Black Eyed Peas

-"Man of Constant Sorrow" from "Oh Brother Were Art Thou". I have not seen that movie because of that song and a few others. George Clooney is a hottie though. Just sayin'.

There are more, I just can't think of them at the moment. I just heard both of my nmost recent hateds this morning and I wanted to bitch.
posted by Jenne Lou at 5/25/2006 10:35:00 AM 9 comments

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

A post for the sake of posting

So, I don't have much to say. Unusual for me, I know. I don't know what my deal is. I don't even have a list of things to bitch about like I usually do.

Today is my last day at Wal-Mart until late August. I am very happy about that. I think I have finally hit my limit there. Too bad I have to go back! I really have no other choice because unlike this past semester, when I only had classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, this fall I will have classes Monday-Friday. Of course, they are spread out through the day, so I will need something flexible. That leaves Wal Mart. Oh well, I guess it could be worse.

I have had a sinus headache off and on for what seems like forever now. I understand why when I walk outside and my once black car is green from all the pollen. I guess that is better than snow though. I was so not happy to see the white shit on Monday! It is May...Mother Nature needs to wake up!

I am rambling.

I will try and make the next post more interesting. If anyone is reading this, I am sorry for stealing minutes from your life on this pointless drivel!
posted by Jenne Lou at 5/24/2006 02:45:00 PM 5 comments

Saturday, May 13, 2006

You will be a man of constant sorrow...

When I kick you square in the nads!

Oh, sorry...guess I should explain who I am addressing.

My neighbor, who is not only playing that highly annoying song "Man of Constant Sorrow", but is singing along way off key.

It is 12:30 a.m....go to sleep, or play better music.
posted by Jenne Lou at 5/13/2006 12:29:00 AM 6 comments

Friday, May 12, 2006

Take your grimy hand off my JONX!

OK....so JONX is a fucking great word. It is.

Just ask Laurie and her minions at beautyandthebeer.com. Even I wish my girlfriend was JONX like her.

Although I was satisfied at the greatness that is JONX, I wanted to know more....so I went to urban dictionary.com, and what I found was even better than I imagined!

See for yourself:

1. jonx

i.)A word that means everything but at the same time nothing
ii.)A persons personal possessions

i.)that girl is jonx!
ii.) tke your grimy hand off my jonx

2. jonx

shit, random objects, testicles.
Singular jont.

And she started trying to grab my jonx
oh shit, yo, i left that jonx at home
i tried to cop that jont but they was all out

3. jonx

One's manlihood. See also jonks.

"My man has cartoonishly huge jonx."

4. jonx

same as jonks.

"My boyfriend has ginormous circusfreak like jonx."

OMG, I am laughing so hard at this....I tell ya, better than I ever could have imagined. Especially "ginormous circusfreak like JONX!

Oh, and I changed some horrendous spelling errors, etc.

If you want to see the original, go to:

posted by Jenne Lou at 5/12/2006 09:39:00 PM 3 comments

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Ten things about the letter S

I spend entirely too much time online....really I do. Between myspace, the fact that I am a newshound, and my discovery of some hilarious blogs, I spend way too much time on the damn computer. Too bad it doesn't burn calories.

Anyway, I got "tagged", sort of, on one of my favorite blogs, beautyandthebeer.com (Laurie is my blogging HERO, seriously) I had to come up with the first 10 things that come to mind with the letter S.

So, here you go...

Shank Tuesdays! JONX!

Smiley Face Ball of Death...RIP

Shawty Tic Tac: and the Holy Moley. Needs to be taken down by the reincarnated Mr. Smiley Face Ball of Death.

Sister...Mine is getting married on June 24. And she rocks. We are going to have a blast.

Shakira, Shakira- her hips don't lie. Or so I have heard.

Strait, George. The ultimate. I love him.

Sinuses: mine, messed up lately...could have something to do with all the green shit all over everything!

Stupid: of course, considering where I work, this is a given. Stupid bitchy CSM, stupid customers, stupid outfits, too much 80's hair...must stop, I am twitching.

Spongebob pants: should not be worn in public.

Sweatsocks: If your bOObs look like grapefruits in sweatsocks? Get a better bra.

OK, that may have been totally lame, but hey, I was following the directions....these are the first ten things I thought of.
posted by Jenne Lou at 5/11/2006 04:30:00 PM 1 comments