Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Gargamel and Azrael

So Jared and I were talking about shows we watched when we were kids: The Care Bears, Strawberry Shortcake, My Little Pony, Mr Dressup, Mr. Rogers (sorry....I HATED that show!), He Man and She Ra, and of course the smurfs! Not to mention the Cosby show, Alf, Roseanne, and so many more. I think the reason we got talking about this was because they have an Alf DVD at Wal Mart! I still love that show. Alf was one funny mo-fo.

We got talking about the Smurfs, and we could not remember the name of the lady who snorted all the time. The one with the red wig. We could NOT think of her name.
HOGATHA! Of course!

I found this website.....


I had forgotten about the Warmongers (Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!) Chlorhydris, and Big Mouth.
However, there are some characters on there that I do not remember. Nanny Smurf and her pet Smoogle? I do not remember them. I do remember Mother Nature, Feathers, Homnibus, and Johan and Pewit.

Good stuff....the smurfs!

It is really weird that some of the stuff we liked as kids are making a comeback. Like the Care Bears, Strawberry Shortcake, and My Little Pony. I was talking to someone at work one day, and she said that her daughter has her old Care Bears, plus new ones. I think it is kind of cool, but are they running out of ideas or something? It seems like a lot of the movies out recently are remakes.

I better go get ready for class!
posted by Jenne Lou at 8/31/2005 07:00:00 AM 0 comments

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Back to school!

Classes started yesterday; I can't believe the summer is basically over already! I am not looking forward to the snow! Or walking to class when it is -30. That should be interesting!

Everything has been pretty good so far. The classes I am taking are:

Economic Statistics
United States Civilization
Introduction to Information and Technology
Calculus for the Life, Managemnet and Social Sciences
Principles of Managemnet
Career Assessment and Planning

The only one I am really concerned about is Calculus. I took the prerequisite back in 97 or 98, so I am thinking that maybe they should have put me in precalculus. If I remember correctly, I really struggled with that class the first time! Then again, I took Accounting 1 again last year, and did much better, so maybe I will be fine.

Maybe I should just buy "Calculus for Dummies"! Yes, that is a real book! Those "Dummies" books are so cool! I guess they even have "TI-84 for Dummies" which goes with the $130.00 calculator I had to buy for that class!

I don't really have anything else exciting going on. Just work and school! Story of my life, but I know it will all pay off!

I can't end this without ranting about something! What is up with people riding their damn bikes on the sidewalk? It is really annoying, especially when they come up behind you and/or they come flying by so fast that you have to jump out of their way. I think maybe a big stick in the spokes would teach them a lesson. Now, where can I find a big stick??
posted by Jenne Lou at 8/30/2005 08:20:00 PM 0 comments

Saturday, August 27, 2005


So, someone called me at 1:30 this morning....who the heck could that be? I didn't get to the phone in time and they hung up. I forgot that the ringer on my cellphone was off, and saw this morning that they left me a voicemail. The number was private though. I tried *69 on my regular phone, and the number was private as well. So, I call my voicemail and the password doesn't work. What the...? I KNOW that is what the password is...bastards. I bet that there is an outage with the voicemail or something like that, but instead of saying that, they say that there is a problem with the voicemail.

Who the heck called me? If the psycho got my home number somehow, he will be told to leave me alone. I will tell him that if he calls me again, I am calling the police. It is probably not even him.

In other news, I am lucky enough to get to work the weekend taht the dorms open. FUN! The last two days have been crazy. That place makes me claustrophobic!

Do me a favor: when you are in a store....DON'T OPEN THE DAMN PACKAGES!!! I WILL KICK YOUR ASS IF I SEE YOU DOING IT! It is so obnoxious and totally unneccessary! Somebody opened an eggcrate mattress. Guess what? It is impossible to get those back in the package. If it says full size, it is full size, dumbass. Don't get me started on the curtains and the body pillow pillow cases. Yeah, I guess I am not much of a people person. Maybe I would be if people weren't so goddamn stupid and inconsiderate.
posted by Jenne Lou at 8/27/2005 05:52:00 AM 0 comments

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

There is no soy milk...


"Soy Milk....there is no such thing as soy milk, you know why cause there is no soy tit. It is soy juice...but they can't call it that beacuse just saying it makes you want to gag!"
(A quote from the very funny Lewis Black)

I found my high school pictures today...I can't believe how dark my hair was!

Anyway, not much news here. Getting ready for classes to start. I went and got my books today to beat the rush. I am so glad I did.

That psycho dude "still doesn't understand why we can't work things out". At least he hasn't called me though...when he instant messages me I can just ignore him. Apparently he has been threatening the other guy (the cutie) so unfortunately I don't think we will be hanging out. Neither of us needs to deal with that drama! The psycho doesn't want to call me, if he does I am going to tell him to leave me alone or I will call the police. The guy is obviosuly a little unstable and I am not f***ing around!

Now, I want to share some observations I have had recently....

1. What is up with women with copious amounts of facial hair?? I understand that hormonal problems, etc can cause that, but come on! There are things that will take care of that! When you have a full black 'stache growing in, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

2. I heard on the radio today that they have "the weather every ten minutes every morning". Is that REALLY necessary?I would just think that that would annoy their regular listeners who listen all morning. Then again, I don't think a channel devoted entirely to the weather is really necessary either!
posted by Jenne Lou at 8/24/2005 05:48:00 PM 0 comments

Saturday, August 20, 2005

The psychopath and the bar fight.

What is wrong with people??

I met this guy, and we decided to hang out last night.

First red flag....I am waiting for him to get done work and my cell phone rings. It was Chuck, who is my FRIEND. Nothing more. The guy says something to the effect of "If we are "together" you won't be talking to HIM anymore!" Yeah, OK, good luck with that one. Then he asks me if I have other friends who are guys. Yeah I do. I should have told him to forget it right then.

Then we go to the office for the company he works for, and he gets kinda bent that I was talking to the guy he introduced me to. Again, TALKING. So we go to his house so he can change. (I had my car, so I could get the hell out if I needed to.) Second red flag.....he lives with his Mom. She seemed cool, but I did not like the way he talked to her, which would be the third red flag. Then he decided he wanted to stay home. I didn't. HELLO, I just met the guy. Another problem was that he was worse than a damn girl when it comes to getting ready. Luckily the friend from work showed up, so he got his ass in gear.

So we go to this bar...which was cool with me...I was up for just hanging out. They were playing pool, and the next thing I know I am getting accused of ignoring him, because I was talking to other people and watching the pool game.

This is where he starts getting psychotic. He goes and tells COMPLETE strangers that I am with him and his friend won't stop hitting on me. So the friend gets pissed, I got really pissed, and should have left right then.

This older guy was there, and he was kind of instigating shit. He pushed the friend into me, being a smart ass, and the guy got totally pissed off at his friend when it wasn't even his fault! So finally I had about had enough. I am not in high school, and I don't care to go back there! I started talking to another female who was there.....she introduced me to her friends. One of the guys couldn't hear what I had said, so I leaned over to repeat myself. Next thing I know, psychoboy comes running across the bar and tackles the guy! WHAT THE HELL? So, I was like, fuck this, I am leaving. The other people decide to leave too. Long story shorter, everybody ends up outside and it gets ugly. Psycho just wants "to talk". I basically told him to get the fuck away from me, and get in my car and leave.

WHAT THE HELL? I can honestly say that that is the first time I have been fought over. Thank god that nutbar doesn't know where I live, and only has my cell phone number. Oh, and there is more....the guy has had 4 DWI's and will probably be going to jail. Yeah, and he asked me if I would mess around on him when he was in jail. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA. I wanted to tell him right then that he was out of his mind if he thought he was ever going to see me again.

I think he may have gotten the picture.....but then again he is fucking nuts.....

***********Now for the good news!***********

His friend was a TOTAL cutie. Total. He also has a job, his own vehicle, (a nice one, I might add...) and he doesn't live with Mommy and Daddy!! He is younger than me, but who the heck cares!

I am going back to bed.
posted by Jenne Lou at 8/20/2005 06:23:00 AM 0 comments

Monday, August 15, 2005

Gas prices....and more proof that people suck.

I was reading an article on pressrepublican.com this morning about the insane gas prices.

One thing I took away from this article is that people suck.

One gas station has seen an increase in drive offs, people leaving without paying. Now THAT sure makes a whole lot of sense! I would love to see these people get caughtand get some hefty fines added on as well. Assholes. Do you think that the gas stations WANT to charge those prices??

Then another person said that the reason prices are so high is because our presidentis a Texas oilman and that the prices won't go down until we have a new president. Riiiiiiiiiiigggggghhhhhht! Give me a break, like nobody would notice if that was the case. People can be astonishingly stupid sometimes. However, I do feel that there must be something that they can do about the prices. When I had my Celebrity, Icould fill it up for $13.00. Now I am luckyif I can fill up for $35.00. That is insane. Luckily I don't usually have to drive too far.

I don't know whatI am trying to say.........

I guess I am rambling, but people can be so stupid that it literally makes my head hurt.
posted by Jenne Lou at 8/15/2005 08:40:00 AM 0 comments

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Brad Paisley

Mom and Amy.....

Have you seen Brad Paisley on the cover of Country Weekly? RAWWWWRRRRRR!

What a hottie! He has a mustache and goatee.....I thought he was hot before, but DAMN!
posted by Jenne Lou at 8/13/2005 12:50:00 AM 0 comments

Friday, August 12, 2005

Jenne Lou.....a few years ago.

I have better hair now.......but I do like the blond!
posted by Jenne Lou at 8/12/2005 11:26:00 PM 0 comments

Rants. By JenneLou.

Yeah, I am going to bitch. Deal with it.

The following things have been pissing me off:

1. The increasing cattle-like tendencies I have seen recently. GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY! I have things to do and an appointment on Tuesday! I am not talking about old people, come on, I may be a bitch, but I am not totally heartless! I am talking mainly about people that see you coming and still don't get out of the way. I don't know what it is lately, but it seems like people are moving at a snail's pace.

2. So far, I really do like my job. MOST of the people have been pretty cool. However, I don't understand why people seem to think I can help six people at once. I said I will be right with you, and I will. I can not be in two places at once, AND I am still trying to figure out where everything goes in a store the size of a small country! It is very similar to people who would call the hotel, and when I asked them to hold for a moment, they would say "I'm calling long distance!" Well, so is the guy that called before you, jackass. The longer you argue with me, the longer it will be till I can help you. Yes, I understand that I tend to be bitchy, but seriously, when I am at work, I go out of my way to help people whenever possible. A lot of my co-workers will just tell people where things are. I prefer to actually TAKE them to where they need to go. Just today, I helped two ladies, and as I was talking to them, they told me my coworkers blew them off. That annoys me. It took me 5 minutes to help them, not a big deal!

It also bugs me when I speak to a manager about a customer oriented issue, and they can't STFU about their plans for the weekend long enough for me to ask them a simple question. They probably don't care because they know that they won't get bitched at if customers are kept waiting, I will. Sometimes I wonder how some of these people got their jobs.

3. Which brings me to people who can't even say Hi to someone. Jim used to say that he wondered who raised some of these people. When someone says Hello, would it kill you to be friendly? It seems like the beasts are usually the worst. You know the ones...they look like maybe their Mom knew their Dad a little too well. They think they are the shit, but they are actually a f'in loser. You are NOT better than me. There are a lot worse things in life than working retail. I am going to keep a list, and when I have my education and get a job, I am going to sick an audit on all these dumb shits. REMEMBER ME? Don't even try to kiss my ass now. Man, that would be sweet. Everybody hates getting audited. I guess I don't really need to do that though. Karma is a big enough bitch.

4. I am going to make that idiot from Citizen's Bank (there is a branch in the store) sit in a small room with an intercom hooked up. Then I am going to scream in his ears all day. He won't be alone. The lady from the jewelry counter can join him. And a couple of other people that don't realize that the microphone is not a snack and that you don't have to inhale it to speak into it. CALM DOWN, I'M BLEEDING FROM THE EARS HERE, PACINO!

5. I really don't understand why people can't even be away from their cell phones while they are shopping. Give me a break! I see people all the time talking on the damn things. I usually leave mine in the car. If I need to make a call, I do that and THEN go in the store. The world will not end if you are away from your phone for a half hour.

6. Jared, er General Anthony Boscarelli pisses me off too. He doesn't post enough blogs for my reading entertainment AND he hasn't come to the big city of Plattsburgh to hang out with me yet! Now if only I could learn how to type in a Mrs. levenstein voice...I am getting verklempt over the fact that that is just not possible. Talk amongst yourselves, I will give you a topic. The Italian Neo Realist Movement in film was neither Italian nor neo nor particuarly a movement. Discuss!

All you people who are reading this should really share your comments, for my entertainment, of course. Try it. You don't have to sign up or anything, so DO IT. Or someday you just may be audited! ;)
posted by Jenne Lou at 8/12/2005 08:52:00 PM 1 comments

Thursday, August 11, 2005

I DO NOT think so!

So, I was reading this article about the "8 sexiest cars" and I totally agree with #2....the 1963 Sting Ray Coupe with split window. My Dad has one, and that car is awesome. So, I continue reading......and number 8 is a f****** Mini Cooper! I DO NOT THINK SO! Mini Coopers SUCK. Send those goofy looking pieces of crap back! As far as I am concerned, they are right up there with Trackers, Metros and basically hatchbacks of any kind. Oh and Subaru Foresters. Yuck. Anyway, if you want to read the article, go here:


So, I guess I haven't posted in a while, I have been pretty busy with work and my sinuses have been all messed up, so I have been having some lovely headaches recently. Headaches and computers don't go to well together!

Classes start on August 29th, and I am kind of nervous. It will be good though. I don't really do too much here....just work and home. Which is fine with me, I like being home, and I really like my new apartment. However, I do think it will be good to get out and meet people. The other reason I haven't been doing much is a lack of funds. Money is such a pain! I guess that is why I am doing all this though, so I can have a career, not just a job. I could not do the retail thing forever, it is just not my thing. Too many stupid people! I realize that I will always have to deal with stupid people, but at least in a different capacity!

I feel like there was more I wanted to say, but I can't think of anything.

OH! I almost forgot.....the Rolling Stones are going to be at the Pepsi Arena next month! Tickets went on sale on Saturday, and they are sold out already! THAT SUCKS! They are also going to be in Montreal in January, and those are pretty much sold out too! I wish I knew about this earlier! What a rip off!

JARED: Check out the new Foamy....."Sacred Space". I was definitely amused!
posted by Jenne Lou at 8/11/2005 09:56:00 AM 0 comments