Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Wasting my time.....
1. Have you had sex in the past 24 hours?
2. Are you gay?
3. Do you have hairy legs?
4. Do you smoke anything?
Nope (except for VERY rarely...when I am a drunken dumbass)
5. Do you like monkeys?
I like monkeys named Fucker. = )
6. How many fillings do you have?
just a few
7. Would you rather swim in the ocean or a lake?
8. Have you ever licked one of those square batteries?
9. Have you ever read the Bible?
10. Did you ever go to Sunday School?
11. Do you wear a lot of black?
sometimes....I like black
12. Did you ever bring a weapon to high school?
13. Have you ever hugged a tree?
Why would I hug a tree? No
14. Do you know what a sphincter actually is?
yes.....and there is more than one, I think
15. Describe your hair?
needs to be cut......bangs are in my eyes......
16. Are you a wildebeest?
17. Do you like to have fun?
Duh.....and I think it is fucking stupid when people write "I like to have fun". NO SHIT. Who doesn't.
18. Do you like drama?
Ehh....not really, but I guess it can be entertaining
19. Have you ever taken a bong hit?
20. Do you like mayonnaise?
yes...in moderation
21. Are you afraid to die?
22. Do you like playing in leaves?
Not really....I am too much of a girl.....hate worms and bugs and shit
(But I am not one of those who freaks out at spiders, etc.)
23. Do you like lyme tics?
Yeah, I fucking love them, they're great. WTF are you on?
24. Have you ever peed your pants as an adult?
Uh, no
25. Have you ever thrown up on somebody as an adult?
26. Are you an adult?
Yes.....which sometimes seems kind of weird
27. Do you think you have a good handle on spelling?
YES. I hate bad spelling. Especially when it is intentional. That u/ur nonsense makes me crazy. and "gurl"
28. Ever won a spelling bee?
29. Do you ever eat because your depressed?
30. Are you a television addict?:
Not too bad....don't have cable, so my options are limited. But I do like CSI NY and Boston Legal.
31. Do you think O.J. is guilty?:
32. Do you enjoy spending time with your mother?:
Yes I do
33. Have you ever had sex in a hot tub?
No....hot tubs in general kind of squick me out
34. On a swing?
35. Do you like Elvis?
36. Do you enjoy watching animals "do it" on the Discovery channel?
Ha Ha ha....whoever wrote this is fucked up. And NO
37. Ever been hit on at the zoo?
38. Do you like the smell of poo??
This is getting ridiculous
39. Do you enjoy the calming effects of turkey?
Never really thought about it
40. Does your mom think someones hot?
Sure. George Strait for one...because DUH. And this dude.....who's nickname is the same as my cousin's hamster....who was named Chuck, and then she found out it was a girl. That guy is the bomb. One of the nicest people EVER. He rules. Seriously.
(Oh....and I am NOT on any mind altering drugs right now....just saying.)
41. Are you a sugar freak?
Can be
42. When you hear a knock on the door, do you think "oh shit, is that the cops?"
Actually, if someone knocks I probably won't hear....I have two outside type doors....if the one at the top of the stairs is shut, I don't hear much.
BUT there was a time when I hoped it was the cops......during my cop phase. ; P
BUT you don't have to read to much into that!
43. Ever been arrested?:
44. Ever commit a crime and gotten away with it?
Yes. And I learned my lesson.
45. Actually, do you like orange juice?
Huh? yes.
46. What sign are you?
47. Ever do the party boy dance in front of the elderly?
uhhhhhh......what? I am going to say no, because I have never done any kind of dance in front of the elderly.
48. Where do you wish you were right now?
here is fine
49. Did you enjoy this thing?
Monday, August 28, 2006
WARNING.....Rambling ahead!
Got up this morning dead on my ass tired. I hate that. Even coffee didn't help. (No, mother, I did not take a nap....even though I do love a good nap.) AND I AM NOT AFRAID TO ADMIT IT! = >
These are some of the things that need to get accomplished this week....
- go and pick up my refund check, and stand in a wicked long line. Why the heck can't they just mail them?
- Go and buy my textbooks.....and stand in a wicked long line. And spend $600.00.
- Go to the DMV (or as Dane Cook calls it: Satan's asshole.) because my damn registration is going to expire....and most likely stand in a ridiculously long line.
- Go to Wal-Mart. and stand in a ridiculously long line. And twitch. Because that seems to be what I do there lately.
I am pretty sure that I am forgetting something....but I forget what it is. Or something.
Anyway, I am not really good with large crowds because, well, because people tend to bug the shit out of me. I don't know why I am this way, it is what it is.
So, as I was saying, I get up this morning....and I am TIRED. Luckily my first class wasn't until 10:00. After my class, I go buy Wal Mart....parking lot is a zoo....so I leave. No biggie. It isn't like I can't go later. Go to the bursar's office....no parking, which means most likely a huge ass line. Go to the bookstore, no parking near by. I don't live that far away, but those damn books are heavy, so no way.
So I come home. And did NOT take a nap, even though I so love a good nap. Did I mention that?
I finally decide, at 3:45, to try and pick up my refund. I find a parking spot...get inside....NO LINE!!!! And also no one standing at the refund window. So I stand there....and stand there.....and finally ask at another window. The woman tells me to go back to the refund window. So, i do....and no I was not freaking out...whatever.....finally someone showed up, i got my check, all is good! No complaints there.
So I decide to go to the bank. Get up by Wal Mart, four lane road...on my way to the bank. Traffic isn't moving.....and the light is green. THIS annoys me. Apparently some dumb ass rear ended another dumbass, and they decide it is a good idea to stay in the middle of the damn road. UNDERNEATH A TRAFFIC LIGHT. I understand not wanting to move until the police arrive, but at the risk of causing yet another accident? Not getting that shit. But anyway....I continue on to the bank....and it is closed. At 4:00. That is just painfully stupid.
I better post this...before I lose it and go fucking postal. That pissed me off so bad last time.
OK...I am back. So, whatever, the bank is closed. Then I remember....there is a branch of that bank in.....Wal Mart. So I head back that way, and see a state trooper driving like a maniac. And some dumbass stopping at the light...in his way. HELLO????????
But I digress....I guess the City Police must have been busy, because he was going to that accident....and stopped in the opposite lane, so now they are both blocked. I turned into Wal Mart before the chaos could ensue. And yes, it was a zoo.
BUT I finally get inside...and can I just say...that I have worked many customer service jobs. I get it that people get busy. But I HATE it when people can't at least acknowledge that someone is there. That bugs the shit out of me. I really can be patient, but would it kill you to say something, so I don't feel like I am standing there like a complete idiot?
And yeah, that damn store made me twitch and I got OUT of there as soon as possible. Looks like I will be shopping at 11:00 tonight.
So, I go to class....uneventful....then I go to the bookstore, which I am hoping will not be too bad since I know they close at 7:00 and it was about 6:30.
The line was a bit long, as I expected it to be....so I walked around the store....and finally got back in line. I reserved my books online, so I was thinking it wouldn't be too big a deal. I give the guy my online confirmation, he goes in the back....and I wait. And wait. He finally comes out with half my books. And asks me if I had picked the others up yet. I hadn't.
So I wait some more. Finally he comes out with half of the remaining books. He can't find my other order, so he goes and gets them off the shelf.
I get home and realize....that they charged me more than I expected....because the book he couldn't find? The one I reserved? Was used. And I got a new one. Which only amounted to about $20.00 when I spent over $600, but it is still annoying. I am tempted to go in and bitch....but I don't feel like standing in line to do it.
I would also like to make it clear that I did not freak out during any of these instances today....nor did I really feel the urge to. WTF? That is so unlike me! But I guess it is a good thing.....
But....I still have to deal with Satan's asshole this week. Both the DMV and Wal Mart cheeks.
Wish me luck.
Sorry that was so damn long....
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Foamy is the Lord & Master!
Saturday, August 26, 2006
It is 3:55 a.m.
Yeah, I don't know either.
Classes start on Monday and I am so not ready. Ugh. Might have something to do with the fact that I will be spending $600 on books. Is that ridiculous or what?
I am also unemployed, and back at my apartment full time. Trying very hard not to go back to Wal Mart. The thought of it makes me twitch. But you have heard all of this before.
There really isn't much else to say right now...but I need to get to bed! Maybe I will post again tomorrow....er, today.
Friday, August 18, 2006
This is loooonnnnnggg
1. When was the last time you kissed your father?
Kissed? I don't know. But I hug him a lot. He is awesome.
2. Tell me about your best friend.
She is my partner in crime. I miss her. She lives too far away.
3. What is your favorite color?
4. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Yes, I have 1 younger sister.
5. What do you like to do for fun with your brothers and sisters?
6. Do you like to read? What is your favorite bedtime story?
Yes, I love to read!! Bedtime story? I don't know. I like lots of books.....true crime, and I just read "The Tao of Willie" by Willie Nelson.
7. Tell me about your favorite toy.
Probably my computer. And I want a laptop....maybe someday....can't justify it right now.
8. If you can have one wish, what would it be?
I would like to not have to worry about money. Bet you expected me to say something about relationships or something, didn't ya? Whatever, I don't stress about that shit anymore. If it happens, it happens. As for money, I am working on that too. I only have about a year and a half left of college...blah blah blah.
9. How do you help out around the house?
Uh, I live by myself.
10. What is your favorite game?
11. What is your favorite food?
Do I look like a girl who doesn't like food? Unfortunately, if it is unhealthy, I probably like it. Pizza with bacon is one of my favorites.
12. What do you do for fun?
I read other people’s blogs and I do crossword puzzles. And spend way too much time online.
13. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Well, I am going ot school for Accounting......so I would guess osmething in that field!!
14. Who is the nicest person you know, and what nice things have they done for you?
There are too many too list. My parents are pretty damn cool, and they have done lots for me. My aunt and uncle, who are more like parents to me have done so much for me too. I am very lucky.
15. Where is your favorite place to go?
Seeing as how I haven't been very many places, I wouldn't be too picky. There are lots of places I would like to go. But I also like the beach near my parents' house. My aunt and uncle's house, where I have been staying this summer is right up there too. Guess I am easy to please! Oh, and I like being home. Definitely.
16. Tell me about something that makes you happy.
I really like days with no plans. Is that sad? Unfortunately, once school starts, those days will be hard to come by. Also, I like it when our whole extended family gets together and I get to see cousins, etc. that I have not seen in a while.
17. What is your favorite song? Can you sing a little bit for me?
I have so many favorite songs....but you don't want me to sing!
18. What is your favorite zoo animal?
ehhh....don't really have one.
19. What do you like the most about your grandparents?
This question is too vague. But I think it is pretty cool that I am named after my Dad's grandmothers.
20. Where do you want to go after the pageant?
Holy shit I guess this is a real pageant questionnaire… Let’s fake it… I don't know.
Not work, which is where I am going soon.
21. Who is your favorite person on TV?
Gary Sinise
22. Who is your favorite author?
Probably Anne Rule.
23. What color in the rainbow best describes your personality?
I don't know. Red, because I like it. Ask a dumb question, get a bad answer.
24. If you can meet any person, living or deceased, who would it be and why?
Um. I don't know. This is a deep question, I'll have to think about it.
25. Which three words best describe you, and why?
Cynical....yeah, I am. I don't know WHY. I get frustrated way too easily.
Worrier...I worry way too much about what other people think....and other stupid shit.
Too nice.....Don't take that the wrong way, I just mean that I sometimes put up with too much shit from people. I am trying to be smarter about that.
26. If you can be any age, what would it be and why?
I don't know. On the one hand, it would be cool to be a little kid again, and not have to worry about anything. But I wouldn't want to have to go through school again...ugh.
27. Tell me about the biggest mistake you ever made.
I am not going to dwell on shit that is in the past.
28. If you can travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
As I said before, not picky!
29. What are three things that scare you most in real life?
Terminal illness
Losing someone close to me.
Failing...work, life, etc.
30. What would you do with a red crayon?
Color with it, I guess....I love red.
31. When you look into the mirror, what do you see?
Gray hair.....AGAIN. Ugh. I have too much of it, BUT I like what I see....I could stand to lose a few pounds, and I will. Oh, and I will get rid of the gray.
32. Tell me a joke.
33. What food best describes your personality?
I don't know.
34. You can be a superhero for one day!! What is your superhero name and what is your power?
Have to think about this.
35. Tell me a story about your family.
see above....I am getting tired of this!
36. What is your most embarrassing moment?
let's not go there. I was probably drunk.
37. What are you most ashamed of?
I plead the fifth.
38. What is the strangest food you have ever tried? Did you like it?
I am way too picky to try much weird stuff.
39. If you could be on any reality television show, which one would you choose?
Ugh. Reality TV sucks. I guess something where I could win a lot of money easily!
40. You have been granted a miraculous healing power that could terminate any single disease. Which one disease would you choose?
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Let me try this again...

OK, so I am going to try and re-create the post I lost the other day. It probably won't be as good as the original because I have a headache. Luckily it is not TOO bad right now, let's hope it stays that way.
So, the other day I read this article that said that Britney Spears wants to renew her vows to her skanktastic husband. WTF? They just got married two freaking years ago!!! Maybe I am wrong, but isn't that something you should do after several years, not after being married to a dirtbag, talentless loser for two years? Not that I think she has much talent either, but whatever. The same article stated that she gave her husband an American Express card with no limit. Gee are ya sure that is the smartest thing to do given his prior history? Not to mention the fact that she is looking pretty trashy these days, and I think her body was a big part of her attraction before. Come on, is anyone really considering her a musical genius? Am I missing something?
Now, i can't really remember how I got to my next point, but it had something to do with Don Johnson's new show on the WB, "Just Legal". Has anyone seen this? It is TERRIBLE. When I was a kid, I seem to remember him being considered somewhat of a hottie. Well, dude hasn't aged well or somethin'. The whole show just annoyed me. But my remote needs new batteries and I was too lazy to get up and change the damn channel. And speaking of actors, what the heck happened to David Caruso? I like CSI Miami, but sometimes the dude makes the weirdest faces! I gotta wonder if he is using a technique called "Smell the Fart" technique from the Joey Tribbiani school of acting. The dude who plays John Black on "Days of Our Lives" is also guilty of this. But, don't get me started on that trainwreck.
Even though I am not done, I am going to hit post, before I lose everything again.
There are a couple of phrases that bug the shit out of me. So I am going to tell you about them.....
The customer is always right.
Anyone who utters this phrase should be forced to work in a Super WalMart on the first of the month...that also falls on a Saturday. I can guarantee you that they will never utter those words again. Do I really need to explain this in further detail?
Next we have:
I pay your paycheck
Actually, f***nut, no you do not. That is some twisted logic right there. Sure, I know that essentially, retail employees would not have a job if there weren't customers to buy stuff, but this comment is just stupid.
And I had some points to make about this the other day, but they are gone, and now I can't remember them. Does this really NEED explaining?
And now, as a public service, I am going to offer you some advice about staying in a hotel. (But really, the basic principles can be applied to other aspects of customer service, and probably life in general.)
**Pausing to save again**
OK, so I am suspecting that most, if not all of you who will read this have stayed in a hotel before. At the hotel I work at, check out time is 12:00 noon, and check-in time is 3:00 p.m. It is really sad how many people do not get the concept that it takes time to clean the rooms. I remember one lady who wanted to check in on a very busy weekend, at about 11:30. I explained to her that her room was not ready, and that the previous guests had in fact not even checked out yet. So, she said "Fine, I will be back at 12:30....you can check me in then." Uh NO....it doesn't work that way. She proceeded to argue with me. Now, I would think that common sense would tell a person that housekeeping might not get right into that room immediately after the previous guests checked out. Which is why there is that three hour window.
I am rambling, but my point is, there are times when I can usually get you checked in before 3:00. HOWEVER, if you act like an asshole or act like you are better than me, I will go out of my way to NOT help you. We had a lady just last week say, in a very snotty, holier than thou tone "But I have a wedding to attend at 1:00 p.m.
Well, pin a rose on your nose. As far as you concerned, if you come in and act like a bitch, I am not willing to help you. If you come in and act civilized? Then I am totally willing to help you out. And guess what? I am on very good terms with the housekeeping staff. I can get things done. Or not. I am not trying to act all "drunk with power" but how freaking hard is it to be NICE for 5 minutes? Guess what, you are probably not the only one who wants to get in early, and the customer who comes in right after you, who talks to me like I am a human? They will totally be in their room before you.
Ugh. I feel like I am rambling. There is so much more I could bitch about, but I will spare you.
Oh, and I don't think I am going back to Wal Mart. I went there yesterday....I was frustrated before I even found a parking spot, so I left.
Today I actually made it inside, and I was twitching in 10 minutes.
I so need to find a new job.
Bitchy today

Oh, yes I am. Probably PMS, or maybe just my nature. Whatever.
Also, I just went to Wal Mart. That explains a lot. I won't go into that, I am sure that you have all experienced that joys of Wal Mart. I can't go back there to work. I twitch just being in there for ten minutes!
Anyway, I bought Skittles today, the original ones, because, well I wanted candy. I don't need it, but I wanted it. They have a new flavor, strawberry ice cream. Which whatever. Until I find out that they replaced the red ones? WTF???? The red ones are one of my favorites! They are not as good as orange, but still.....
My skittles eating experience has been ruined! Bastards.
I have still not re-created my lost post, because I don't have the energy.
Whatever. Maybe I will later.
Oh....and I have had enough of this new online trend of people using DH (dear husband), DS (dear son), DD (dear daughter), etc. BARF!!!!!
Monday, August 14, 2006
I hate blogger right now....and my computer

I FINALLY had something I wanted to post, (an actual post, not a video or survey thingy) and blogger was acting up, so I tried to save it on my computer.
The whole damn thing locked up and I lost it.
This sucks.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
~August 23rd is my last day at my "summer job". (Which is the job that I had for 7 years, until last June when I moved to go back to school.....) And then I have to find a "new job". Unfortunately, since I will have classes 5 days a week, I may need to go back to the evil empire.....you know, that place that starts with a W...and ends with al Mart. I admit it, I like shopping there, but working there is a whole other story. I swear that my IQ drops every time I go in that place. I don't know where the big ass rock is that all the critters crawl out of, but it must be nearby. But i won't rehash that horrors that dwell there.
~I went to a Willie Nelson concert last night. It was a lot of fun. This "free spirit" kind of girl behind me had the coolest ring. Actually she had two. It was silver, with a big piece of Amber on it. I never would have thought that I would like that stone, but I really did. It wasn't a smooth stone....it basically just looked like a big chunk of Amber set in silver. Very cool. Does anyone know where I could something like that? I am thinking probably some independent store somewhere...
~I am not going to write anymore. Blogger is being a bitch, so I am not going to waste anymore time. I will try and think of something interesting to write later. Any ideas?
*sigh* I have felt so uncreative lately and I hate that.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Is this really necessary?
I have to ask if some things are really necessary.
First, there was a BK ad in the newspaper the other day. They have a new sandwich....the BK Stacker......double, TRIPLE, and QUAD. WTF? Does anyone really need a QUAD stacker.....it is 4 hamburgers (obviously), BACON AND CHEESE.
That boggles the mind. Seriously. AND there was a coupon for Buy One Get One Free.
Enough said.
Moving on....
I don't know why I thought of this recently, but I don't get people who say "We are pregnant." The only time this should be said is if two girls are pregnant or something. A man and woman should not say "We are pregnant." Sorry buddy, YOU are not pregnant. That bugs me. I would also think that any woman whose husband (or boyfriend) says that would be slapping him HARD.
Along the same lines, I hate the word "preggo" and I hate it when woman say "I have a baby in my stomach". Uhhhhh...I am not a Doctor, and I don't play one on TV, but I think if your baby is in your stomach, you have a problem.
I can't think of a good example, but I also hate it when people have fancy spellings of their names. Hmmm......like Aymeigh. Or Dgenneigh. Or Mikul. Or how about Jaymz?
The same goes for names that are obviously made up. I wish I could think of a good example.....
but you probably know what I mean....names that look like somebody took a bunch of letters, threw them on the floor and then picked them up and made a name out of two Z's, an X, 4 As and a Y.
Another thing I have noticed lately is people who use U, Ur, etc in blogs. That shit is fine for text messaging, if you must, but if you are writing in complete sentences, it just looks stupid.
Don't get me started on bad spellers. One example that I saw just today.....
apresheat (appreciate)
I translated for you so that your head wouldn't explode from the stupidity.
I guess that is enough bitching for now....
Oh and it is "96/feels like 107" here today....DAMN.
But I don't get that "feels like 107". What does that MEAN? (from weather.com)